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Musical Themes

Tuned to Fractures

This page provides music that inspires or reflects my characters.

Information on this page may contain spoilers for Final Fantasy XIV up to Dawntrail, patch 7.1

Song Character About
Knock Knock, Who's Poisoned? Dodokitt x Lolorito Lolorito's POV towards Dodokitt, from learning that Dodokitt is desiring to leave Ul'dah for Sharlayan to the reconciliation between them post-Stormblood (1535 to 7 AE 1, 45 years)
Every Time We Touch feat. Dan Avidan Caladrius x Emet-Selch; Emet-Selch x Verdant
(Non-RP Timeline)
Emet-Selch's POV towards Caladrius/Azem, reflecting on their relationship and how it ended; Conflicted feelings toward Verdant as Azem's latest reincarnation; Hades' defeat at Verdant's hands and a brief reunion with Caladrius.
Magnum Bullets Caladrius/Azem Caladrius at the end, Final Days to Sundering; Reflecting on the choices they've made, to abandon the Convocation, their fight with Thoth/Emet-Selch, the battle with Telesphoros and his end, and regrets at keeping secrets from him
Let the World Burn Zenos x Verdant Zenos' POV, his obsession with Verdant as his rival and friend
Bite Marks Zenos x Verdant Zenos' POV, his obsession with Verdant as his rival and friend
Ship in a Bottle Dodokitt x Lolorito Dodokitt's pleas for Lolorito to open up, looking in from the outside as he tries to figure out how Lolorito became so cold and ruthlessman.
What Kind of Man Dodokitt x Lolorito Dodokitt and Lolorito's individual reflections on falling for each other, from their childhood together to their final fight and the 45 years apart.
The Love You Want Dodokitt x Lolorito The gradual process of Dodokitt and Lolorito reconciling, of Dodokitt getting Lolorito to open up.
Shatter Me Vaine; Vaine x Thea x Alette Vaine's fears and insecurities stemming from his trauma as a child to struggles with his pheramone sensitivity; His desire to be free of fear, finally being "shattered" with Alette and Thea's help
Jaws Vaine x Thea A back-and-forth between Vaine and Thea, each caged by their own pasts but carrying them differently; Thea trying to get Vaine to open up, Vaine wanting to but struggling between fear and desire.
Alkaline Vaine x Thea Vaine realizing that he has fallen for Thea and what the means for him.
Higher La'mone x Estinien La'mone reflecting on his original crush on Estinien, the hate-fuck they fell into; La'mone's POV realizing that he's never gotten over Estinien yet Estinien has moved on with is life, grown and changed; Estinien's POV realizing La'mone's predicament and his own feelings without resolution.
Paralyzer La'mone x Thancred La'mone's struggles with his attraction to Thancred during their time on the First.
Said & Done La'mone A young La'mone's struggles with unrequitted and misunderstood love, leading to his journey to Eorzea to forge his own path.
Black Honey La'mone La'mone's transition from failure in love in Thavnair to recklessly throwing his affections around in Eorzea in a bid to find love; The slow descent to a belief that he'll never find love.
Get you the Moon feat. Snow La'mone x Verdant;
La'mone x Ircus (RP Timeline)
A reflection on La'mone's friendship with Verdant and romance with Ircus and the importance each relationship has in his life
Radioactive Thea Thea's awakening with the coming of the 7th Umbral Calamity and her acclimation to a world a few millenia from when she was created.
ANTIHERO Helga Her struggles growing up in Tural with the nightmares of her time as a Garlean experiment and subsequent struggles containing her misunderstood abilities
My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up) Helga The arguments with her guardian and rescuer, the anger she holds for what happened to her in the Garlean laboratory, finally unleashing her potential against Zoraal Ja and his army
Insane Helga Helga: Unleashed; her rampages against Zoraal Ja's army, her rampage against Zoraal Ja
DARKSIDE Helga x Aisthgar; Helga x Wuk Lamat After coming down from her rampages, Helga dealing with her concerned brother and best friend and finally being honest about her dark side.
Limits Caladrius v Telesphoros Caladrius' POV and their anger during the final confrontation with Telesphoros
Cause of Death Telesphoros v Caladrius Telesphoros' POV, coming for Caladrius in the days leading up to the Sundering; His anger and rage at Caladrius, his accusations; The battle between them leading to Caladrius killing their own son; Caladrius' POV in admitting their regrets for letting things get to this point, for keeping secrets, for letting him down. "I am sorry I failed you, my son..."
The Scientist Caladrius x Thoth (RP Timeline)
Caladrius x Hades (Non-RP Timeline)
After Telesphoros' death, Caladrius wants nothing more than to return to Thoth/Emet-Selch; Reflections on their relationship with Thoth/Emet-Selch and the fight that drove them apart; Caladrius reaching Thoth at the end before the Sundering (RP) or wandering the star until the Sundering takes them (Non-RP)
If I'm There Caladrius x Thoth (RP Timeline) Caladrius' regrets at leaving Thoth alone during the Final Days
Reload Caladrius X Thoth; Caladrius x Verdant Caladrius to Thoth across their relationship; Caladrius to Verdant as they struggle with the increasing weight upon their shoulders
Dabbington City Caladrius x Hades (Non-RP Timeline) Caladrius' relationship with Hades and the eventual fight that parts them during the Final Days.
The Violence Caladrius Caladrius' POV during the Final Days, their rejection of the Convocation's plan, acceptance that the end was near but heartfelt hope for a new world (Venat's plan) to come.
Infra-Red Caladrius x Thoth Caladrius' POV on their relationship and their struggle with what their relationship is on the surface versus how much more Caladrius' wanted but could not have.
Another Life Caladrius v Telesphoros Caladrius' POV after Telesphoros' death; Their regrets, apologies left unsaid, hopes to try again to be a better father in another life
Blumenkranz Verdant The times in life when Verdant was faced with a decision about their path and the struggles that led up to them
When Legends Rise Verdant Alone in Ultima Thule, the ascent to face Metion; Reflection on past moment when Verdant had to rise to the occasion above the others
The Skeleton Key Verdant & their Reflections The growing struggle Verdant has with the souls rejoined to them, the memories that linger and resurface, while they try to survive the poisoning that is slowly killing them, leading to Verdant's rebirth
Dance in the Dark Verdant Their conflicted, dual upbringing in Kugane; The years spent stealing away in the night to be themself
I Am Who I Am Verdant x Saburo Verdant's courage to face their crush, Saburo, as themself instead of as the image curated by their father, leading to a broken heart when they are rejected; Verdant to their parents when they finally return to Kugane; Verdant reuniting with Saburo and reconciling; Each time Verdant presenting themself as their true self.
Sweet Dreams (Are Made of These) Alette
Porn Star Dancing
Crazy Bitch
Power & Control
Alette Songs that just vibe with Alette's personality, approach to relationships, and private life