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The Thirteen Reflections of Verdant

One Soul Split Fourteen Ways

Ardbert of the First

Uta of the Second

  • Age: 31 (at time of Rejoining)
  • Gender: Female; She/Her
  • Sexuality: Asexual
  • Height: Unknown
  • Features: Midnight blue scales randomly scorched and blackened in various stages of shedding
  • Origin: The Second Reflection
  • Race: Au Ra, Xaela
  • Disciplines: Caller (SMN)
  • Family: Disowned
  • Romance: None
  • Lovers: None
  • About: A wildly-powerful Caller from the Second, Uta was most talented in the manipulation of fire and the summoning of fire-based entities. She was not particularly respected, however, and seen as a danger in her world's wildly-changing environment. As the world began to be swept-up in roaring flames, Uta tried to join others in summoning ice to combat it, unknowing of the far-reaching devastation. However, the increased fire aether of their world caused their spells to all turn to flame, and Uta in particular burned to death in a torrent of her own spell before those around her were swept-up in flame.

    Uta's talent as a Summoner is a reflection of Azem's original talents with Creation Magicks. As a result, her rejoining to the Source gives Verdant an edge in their own magick. However, due to their long-standing hesitancy toward magick disciplines, Verdant may never fully come to the same skill as Uta. They have benefited from Uta's memories since their pact with Tuftay, though, and as a result have been able to make up some ground from their years of avoidance.

Jortha of the Third

  • Age: 47 (at time of Rejoining)
  • Gender: Female; She/Her
  • Sexuality: Never Explored
  • Height:
  • Features: Predominantly hidden; When seen, a marking in orange on her face signifying her patron god
  • Origin: The Third Reflection
  • Race: Hyur, Highlander
  • Disciplines: Priest (WHM)
  • Family: No blood relations to speak of
  • Romance: Vow of chastity in devotion to nature and her god
  • Lovers: Vow of chastity in devotion to nature and her god
  • About: Once a hermit who took on any wounded that crossed her path, Jortha lived a life of almost-solitude dedicated to honing her skill as a White Mage toward the benefit of nature and her patron god. However, she observed the changing in the aether, how the air and water weakened while the earth gained in strength, and abandoned her prayers to seek an answer. She returned to her order, putting them on the path to finding the truth, and discovered the interference of the Ascians. Her leader led their normally-peaceful order to fight the Ascians for the sake of their world, and half of them perished before Jortha ordered the rest to flee. They instead fought the Ascians in trying to reverse the effects of the earth aether building up, but it was too late. Jortha perished with her order as they prayed to their patron god for aid.

    Jortha's devotion to helping others is a reflection of Azem's original role in the 14th seat. Though a hermit, she saw to those who came across her: Purposeful travellers and aimless wanderers, faithful pilgrims and carefree spirits. Her rejoined soul brought with it the unshakable power of will and belief. Though Jortha and her order failed in stopping the destruction of their Reflection, her memories later gave Verdant strength in the Final Days to persevere in the face of adversity so long as they had faith in something.

Oakis of the Fourth

  • Age: 27
  • Gender: Genderfluid; They/Them
  • Sexuality: Unknown
  • Height:
  • Features:
  • Origin: The Fourth
  • Race: Hrothgar, The Lost
  • Disciplines: Gazer (AST)
  • Family: An older brother
  • Romance: None
  • Lovers: None
  • About: A quiet gazer of stars, this Astrologian looks up at the sky and wonders what else is out there. Oakis has rightly pondered if there aren't more worlds out there besides their own. The cards only gave them more reason to ponder, hinting at other beings who share their spirit. Their peers found their curiosity laughable and their fortunes questionable, but Oakis couldn't stop wondering what was beyond what their eyes could see. Their dreams became the portal to their answers, a window to the Source of their being.

    Oakis and Verdant mutually dream of each other. Unlike with those who have Rejoined or died, however, Verdant will see Oakis' life as it happens. Oakis always hopes that someday they will have a chance to speak directly with their Source counterpart as, so far, one only gets a glimpse into the other's world while one sleeps and the other is awake. The Echo is the bridge between them in these moments, and what has influenced Verdant's aether to change their form into a Hrothgar.

Tol'den of the Fifth

  • Age: 39 (at time of rejoining)
  • Gender: Male; He/Him
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Height:
  • Features: Scar at the left corner of his lip; Green band painted horizontal across his eyes
  • Origin: The Fifth Reflection
  • Race: Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon
  • Disciplines: Minstrel (BRD)
  • Family: Mother, Father, Grandmother
  • Romance: None
  • Lovers: Many
  • About: A resident of vast forests whose names were long lost, Tol’den lived as a hunter in the light and for song by the night. He was one of many raised in the end-days, a known fact as the Seers of the forests were deeply connected to their world. Tol’den, himself, was a Seer, what those gifted with the Echo were called. It granted him an insight into the flow of aether, and he was particularly tuned into the overwhelming rise of wind aether. As refugees grew in his forests, fleeing from turbulent lands beyond, he ventured into those uninhabitable lands in search of the dark figures responsible for the perversion of their world. Other Seers followed him, inspired by his example, yet despite their numbers the dark figures were never found. Tol’den and his fellow Seers perished in a country-spanning hurricane not long before the Rejoining claimed their Reflection.

    Tol'den's initiative to go forth and seek answers for the issues plaguing others is a Reflection of Azem's original methods. Like Azem, Tol'den did not wait for others before striking out and doing what he deemed necessary for the sake of others. However, unlike another Shard (Frond) Tol'den had a large group of individuals he influenced with his actions and consequences. His upbringing in the forests of his Reflection ultimately contributed to Verdant's overall love of plants in their particular reincarnation, though they cannot claim to been particularly influenced by his musical abilities. His discipline with the bow and arrow did eventually reflect in Verdant, however, upon Ardbert Rejoining with Verdant and bringing his own Archer influence.

Frond of the Sixth

  • Age: 35 (at time of Rejoining)
  • Gender: FtNB; They/Them
  • Sexuality: Demisexual
  • Height:
  • Features: A small mole below the left corner of their lip; A slightly larger mole below the outside corner of their right eye
  • Origin: The Sixth Reflection
  • Race: Roegadyn, Hellsguard
  • Disciplines: Ice Knight (DRD)
  • Family: Mother, Father
  • Romance: Hadrik
  • Lovers: None
  • About: Born into a chilled world, Frond was named for the quickly-dying plants of the home their parents abandoned in a search for warmer shores. They grew up alongside friends who knew Frond’s reckless, stubborn streak and kept them from joining expeditions into the wilds for hunts or research. Eventually, however, they sneaked away from home and began a trek into the distant frozen wastelands. They were not alone, however, as their dearest friend and love, Hadik, followed them on their quest to find the shadows in robes and make them fix things. Frond left Hadik behind along the way, begging him to return home, but Hadik refused and sought to track them down. He did, but they only reunited in time to face the shadows in robes and perish.

    Frond is a Reflection of Azem's stubborness, an aspect that was at times questionable and reckless. Frond was like Tol'den in this way, not waiting for others to strike out and do what they deemed necessary, but Frond considered those who followed as best they could by pleading with them to return home. Frond knew the potential consequences of the path they were taking and, though unsuccessful, wished to spare others. This is a trait Verdant very much has due to Frond's soul Rejoining with the Source, often resulting in Verdant keeping secret that which they fear will cause grief to those they care about. Frond's memories were very much at the forefront of Verdant's mind when they made the choice to send all of the Scions back to the Ragnarok and face the Endsinger alone.

Braeis of the Seventh

  • Age: 64 (at time of Rejoining)
  • Gender: Male; He/him
  • Sexuality: Very Flexible
  • Height:
  • Features:
  • Origin: The Seventh Reflection
  • Race: Roegadyn; Sea Wolf
  • Disciplines: Gunner (MCH)
  • Family: Mother, Father, Sister, Wife, Husband, Two Daughters, One Son, Two Granddaughters (All Deceased)
  • Romance: Wife and Husband (Deceased)
  • Lovers: No more
  • About: Braeis loved his drink. It was how he tried to cope with the lawless, dying world around him. As time went on he drank more and fell into a blind rage more often and more easily. He had no loved ones to protect anymore, no friends to care about, not even a home worth giving a damn for. All that mattered was himself and his next drink, until it became clear that the end of the world was actually a matter of discussion. In one of his few sober moments, nursing a hangover, he took to heart the warnings from the prophets, but his attempts to bring others to listen failed and only drove him back into his blinding rage. Like those around him, he perished as his world disintegrated for the Rejoining.

    Braeis's last years were unfortunate to say the least, but if anything they showed how much he loved. Before his world began falling to disorder, he had been a man with more love to give than most. He had spent his life in the service of others, inspiring others to do for others what you would desire upon yourself without actually expecting anything in return. When his family was lost in the first of many city-spanning attacks, he broke. He lost his way so suddenly and so drastically that he was left as a mere shell of the man he had been. The resulting near-constant drunken, almost berserker state at the end of his life contributed to the blind rage that Verdant goes into when upset, as well as worsening their intolerance for alcohol. (Verdant already couldn't hold their liquor before the 7th Umbral Calamity; Being rejoined with Braeis made it worse.)

Greitha of the Eighth

  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Sexuality:
  • Height:
  • Features:
  • Origin:
  • Race:
  • Disciplines:
  • Family:
  • Romance:
  • Lovers:
  • About: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin id arcu aliquet, elementum nisi quis, condimentum nibh.

Peparu of the Ninth

  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Sexuality:
  • Height:
  • Features:
  • Origin:
  • Race:
  • Disciplines:
  • Family:
  • Romance:
  • Lovers:
  • About: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin id arcu aliquet, elementum nisi quis, condimentum nibh.

Von of the Tenth

  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Sexuality:
  • Height:
  • Features:
  • Origin:
  • Race:
  • Disciplines:
  • Family:
  • Romance:
  • Lovers:
  • About: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin id arcu aliquet, elementum nisi quis, condimentum nibh.

Selvonth of the Eleventh

  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Sexuality:
  • Height:
  • Features:
  • Origin:
  • Race:
  • Disciplines:
  • Family:
  • Romance:
  • Lovers:
  • About: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin id arcu aliquet, elementum nisi quis, condimentum nibh.

Mer-V of the Twelfth

  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Sexuality:
  • Height:
  • Features:
  • Origin:
  • Race:
  • Disciplines:
  • Family:
  • Romance:
  • Lovers:
  • About: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin id arcu aliquet, elementum nisi quis, condimentum nibh.

Tuftay of the Thirteenth

  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Sexuality:
  • Height:
  • Features:
  • Origin:
  • Race:
  • Disciplines:
  • Family:
  • Romance:
  • Lovers:
  • About: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin id arcu aliquet, elementum nisi quis, condimentum nibh.