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Alette Doson

Name Meaning: alette, French, "small wing"; bas, Garlean, general populus rank
Nickname: "Little Bird" (Eavris, Gaius)
Alias: Alette bas Domitius (changed surname to "Doson" upon defecting to Eorzea)
Title: Garlean Fist of Redemption
Gender: Female
Birthdate: 2nd Sun 2nd Astral Moon, 6th Astral Era 1548
Race: Half Garlean, half Duskwight
Origin: Martvje, Ilsabard
Primary Residence: The Goblet, Thanalan; Terncliff, Werlyt

Physical Appearance
Ages by Expansion
1.x ARR HW StB
25 25 26 27
27 28 29 ##
Based upon personal timeline of in-game events.

Height: 6' 6"
Eyes: Turquoise; Left eye foggy white due to blinding damage
Hair: Blue-black, always cut short
Scars: Faint scarring around right eye
Tattoos: White tattooing over scarring around right eye
Clothing Preference:




Favorite Haunts:
Grand Company & Rank: Immortal Flames; Captain
Sexuality: Bisexual, Polyamorous
Deity: Rhalgr
General Beliefs:


Disciple of War:

Monk (Pugulist): —

Disciple of Magic:


Disciple of the Hand:

Blacksmithing: —
Alchemist: —
Carpenter: —
Leatherworker: —
Goldsmith: —

Disciple of the Land:

Miner: —


Romantic Pursuits:

Partner: —
Lovers: — Jessie Jaye (current); Serenity, Adalberta, and Wide Gulley (current); Fordola (previous);


Maternal Grandmother: —
Maternal Grandfather: —
Maternal Aunts: —
Maternal Uncles: —
Mother: — Vella bas Doson (deceased)

Paternal Grandmother: —
Paternal Grandfather: —
Paternal Aunts: —
Paternal Uncles: —
Father: — Eavris quo Domitius (deceased); Gaius van Baelsar (adopted)

Same Generation:

Siblings: — Alfonse (adopted brother, deceased); Rex (adopted brother, deceased); Allie (adopted sister); Ricon (adopted brother, deceased); Milisandia (adopted sister, deceased)
Cousins: —


Children: —
Grandchildren: —
Nieces: —
Nephews: —


The 6th Astral Era:

Alette was born of what was intended to be a temporary fling while the XIVth Legion was temporarily stationed in Martvje. However, Alette was the result of the fling. Her mother died shortly after her birth due to the harsh winter and poor conditions at the port she lived and worked at. Her father chose not to leave the infant to a similar fate. The XIVth Legion was not to remain stationary forever, however, and Eavris quo Domitius in particular was often on the move. He chose to raise his daughter personally, meaning that Alette's early life was spent constantly travelling and viewing the world from portholes or from behind the walls of bases.

The earliest notable event in Alette's life was a physical run-in with the emperor's grandson. While Emperor Solus and his son inspected the base, young Zenos wandered off unattended. He was in a particular mood that day and made unkind comments to Alette about her not being Garlean, to which she proudly declared that she, in fact, was. The two ended up in a scuffle throwing fists that resulted in matching black eyes. It took their respective fathers to tear the children apart. Though Eavris feared repercussions for his daughter's behavior Alette feared nothing even after learning who the boy was. Emperor Solus, however, was highly amused to see someone able to match his grandson in strength, even wondering out loud if she could match him in wits, too.

There was never a chance to find out, however. The battle to sieze Ala Mhigo claimed Eavris' life. Alette had been waiting aboard the airship, only venturing out hours later when the sounds of battle had died down and her father did not return. While wandering the city among captive citizens and soldiers following orders, she was spotted by Gaius van Baeslar. He personally delivered the news and thereafter adopted her as his own. She continued to follow him with the rest of the legion until the Battle of Silvertear Skies. The great wrym Midgardsormr claimed the dreadnaught Alette was on. She was fortunate enough to walk away with only a blind eye. Thereafter Gaius left her in Ala Mhigo with caregivers.

The 7th Umbral Era:


The 7th Astral Era:

Post-ARR to present